Our Why & Immutable Laws

Our Why    (Why we wake up each day and do what we do)


We inspire HOPE.

Hope is a feeling of TRUST.

Hope is a desire for GOOD THINGS to happen.

Hope is to believe in something BETTER.



The Immutable Laws of Lizardo Law    (Others have core values, we have Immutable Laws)

Immutable – Adjective; Unchanging over time or unable to be changed

1. Hope is our product

Hope is the feeling that people walk away with after interacting with us. Hope is a feeling of trust. Hope is a desire for good things to happen. Hope is to believe in something better. We provide hope – through our unparalleled legal services – to our clients, to the people we work with, and to ourselves. 

a. We give our clients hope that when we work on their cases:(1) they are not alone, (2) things will be better, and (3) they have a voice through us.

b. We give the people we work with the hope that: (1) they are working for a worthy cause, (2) they are respected, and (3) they are doing work that they love (because if you love your work, it’s not really work). 

c. We give ourselves the hope that: (1) we are working to better our families, (2) we have the financial stability to support our families, and (3) we live the life we want to live.

2. Character matters

We say it. We live it. We breathe it.

3. Give to give, not to get

Don’t give to get. That suggests you have an ulterior motive. Getting is irrelevant. Give to inspire others to give. That way, “paying it forward” continues on many times over. When we give expecting nothing in return, it is remarkable how much more others will give back.

4. Be the balloon

Lift people with positive thoughts. We excuse ourselves respectfully when the conversation starts being negative. We pivot towards positive thoughts to lift everyone around us.

5. No jerks allowed

Being a jerk is not acceptable. We don’t work with attorneys, clients, vendors, or anyone who is a jerk. We stand up for others who are unable to defend themselves against jerks. We will never be a jerk ourselves. Life is too short. Jerks not allowed.

6. Listen to what is not said

When listening to clients and the people we work with, we also listen to what is not being said. People tend to tell us what we want to hear. There are many reasons they do this – emotional trauma, fear of being seen as a failure, just to name a few. They don’t have to tell us what they are not ready to share. But we must be sensitive to what’s not being said. We must still hear what they don’t say. That’s how we can truly listen.

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We would love to meet you and get the process started.

Ready for the next step?

We would love to meet you and get the process started.